Many people have come to accept that managing uncertainty and making sound judgment has become part of our current reality. And it is crucial in our role and responsibility as it affects how well-being. Students, parents, career people, business owners find themselves in situations in which they need to master the ability of making sound judgement calls amid the chaos.
To master making sound judgement calls, the ability to instill a sense of (collective for a group like family unit etc.) purpose and the confidence and optimism to move forward into an uncertain future is essential. Here are a few suggestions I would like to share that will help in making sound judgement calls.
We must be ready for the most important battle which starts in the mind. The book of wisdom (that is what I call it) Proverbs 4:23 says “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Your mindset is the deal breaker. What have you been feeding your mind? Whatever it is, that is what will take precedence when making sound judgement calls concerning preparedness for sudden or unexpected opportunities and threats.
In our world today, many people are feeling anxious, scared and confused. It has culminated to unprecedented anxiety levels ever recorded in recent times. And chances are that you are feeling the same. And it gets even more interesting. Such emotions are contagious.
The first step is to be deliberate in guarding your mind and heart. Are you always around people that have and always project negative circumstances. People that always chose to dwell on the bleak side of things. It could be social media. Is your timeline filled with purveyors of negative or fake news? It could also be TV. Whatever it is, take decisive steps now to cut it loose and stay positive. This is not suggesting you play the ostrich and become ignorant, however.
On mastering making sound judgement calls, you should not just stay away from avenues that breed anxiety and fear but proactively replace that by connecting with others with a more positive approach to life. If your social media feeds are people that amplify fear and anxiety that clouds making sound judgments, be deliberate about unfollowing such people and following more positive accounts.
This is a time to get your hands dirty. Do some work for yourself. Stop outsourcing everything you hear or see to influencers or active people on social media. Try to discern between individuals who are speculating and those who have reliable knowledge. The latter arms you with knowledge that can aid sound decision making as opposed to the former.
Lastly, deliberately chose to stay positive to help yourself and others around you through these uncertain times. Make exercises a priority. Listen to soothing music and engage content that boosts your morale, whichever is applicable or works for you. With the right mindset, network, and authentic information, you are halfway into making sound judgement calls.