In my last article, I write about when to start looking for another job. In this piece, I will be focusing on when to stay in the job. Indeed, this is the month of love, and we shall be dedicating this blog to self-love. Most people spend more time at work or doing work than with anyone else. So making a decision to either quit or stay in a role can have major consequences. It does not even matter how talented or experienced you are. Now let me share a few instances you should consider before quitting that job or service.
One of the most frustrating things people encounter at work or even in business is not having a voice whether in the boardroom, with a key decision maker, an advisor or someone backing you in places you may not be present. If that is the case, then you are on the menu, not the table. Carla Harris during a Ted Talk session spoke on getting a sponsor. I recommend you watch that. When you have a good support system, you may want to reconsider quitting that job. You want to do your bit and excel such that when an opportunity arises, you would have given that support system enough material to be an advocate for your services.
If you are meeting your goals regularly, and you are considered a stellar performer, you may want to hang in there and reap the fruits of your labour. Do not just draw the curtains after putting in all that work. Especially if the organisation is headed in the right direction. Trust me someone is paying attention.
Now talking about opportunities. Opportunities will come and they are usually kind to the prepared and qualified. Say for example, in your unit your boss is about clocking the retirement age or a client’s decision to delve into a new market that plays to your advantage. I am sure I do not need to tell you to stick around and seize that opportunity.
There are other times you should consider staying put. For instance, when you have got bargaining power. The type that sets you apart and gives you a competitive edge. It could be a certification, a degree, experience or a unique product/service not available in the market. But you want to be careful not to be seen as an opportunist looking to exploit the situation.
Let me share a short story on this. A lady that attended one of our workshops complained that her promotion was not forth coming and now her company needed her certification to apply for a contract worth millions. No one else in the organisation had it. She vowed to use this opportunity to exploit the situation and even threaten to quit if things get messy.
I advised against it. I asked if she had someone she considered a mentor in the office she could speak to about her concerns. Fortunately, she did and spoke to him. And that was a great idea. Apparently, her promotion was already approved, to take effect next quarter. You can imagine she decided to play dirty without consulting her mentor and attempted using her bargaining power the wrong way. Your guess is as good as mine.
With a good support system, available opportunities for the taking while your work is associated with excellence, you may want to stick around much longer in an organisation headed in the right direction.